How to ride the waves of change.

There is nothing more certain in life than change, but an unexpected change or one that you cannot control can be especially difficult.

Moving through a life change can be like sailing, sometimes the waters are calm and other times they are rough, scary and very stressful. Although some stress during a major life event is to be expected, a high degree of continuous stress can impact your health and well-being. It can overwhelm you and make you feel like you’re drowning.

Taking these simple steps can help reduce stress and make the process of moving through your life change easier:

  • Research about the upcoming change - stress can develop out of fear of the unknown. By being informed on what the change might look like, your fear may reduce making it easier to face the change.

  • Set realistic expectations - navigating a change is often challenging and if you expect that getting through it will be plain sailing, you may find yourself disappointed if it doesn’t turn out that way. Consider setting more realistic expectations that you may experience obstacles and feel overwhelmed at times. Remember, feeling some stress during a life change is completely normal.

  • Set small goals - by breaking down the things you need to do for the change into small achievable goals, you will feel less overwhelmed than trying to fully resolve everything.

  • Take care of your mind and body - being healthy mentally and physically can make it easier to cope with a life change. Establishing a routine that includes, regular sleep & waking times, meditation and exercising helps you adjust to a change. Eating nutritional food also helps to maintain good physical and mental well-being.

  • Talk to someone you trust - sharing how you feel with a family member or a close friend may be helpful, especially if they have already gone through a similar life change. It helps you feel connected and not alone.

  • Check your self-talk - what are you saying to yourself? Are your internal comments (and thoughts) helping you cope or making the transition more difficult? Try to focus on helpful self-talk by recalling changes or situations you’ve successfully coped with previously.

  • Be kind to yourself - change is difficult for most people and being kind and compassionate to yourself during a life change is important. One way to do this is to say to yourself - “It’s normal to feel stressed right now. I will be patient and kind to myself while I'm going through this change, as I know it will take time to get there”

If you are isolated, feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to cope, consider reaching out to a professional who can support and help you move through the change successfully.


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