Is it time to get help?

Although seeking help for mental health issues has become more commonplace, there is still a misconception that counselling is only for those who are struggling with mental illness.

The truth is that counselling can be beneficial for anyone who is experiencing extreme stress, intense emotions, or difficult life transitions and wants to improve their life.

Counselling can be particularly useful for early intervention as it provides a safe, non-judgmental space to openly talk about your experiences, explore your options and develop the skills to handle various challenges in life.

Whilst we all experience periods of stress, sadness, conflict and anxiety in our lives (common when we are going through a life change) it’s vital to reach out for professional help if you are feeling stuck, completely overwhelmed and less able to cope.

The important thing to remember is that reaching out is not a sign of weakness, but a significant step toward the path of self-discovery and self-care. And the sooner you get help the faster you can get back on track to living the life you deserve. 

So how can you tell that it’s time to get professional help? These are some signs to look out for:

  • Your moods and emotions are up and down and hard to regulate. 

  • You no longer enjoy doing the things that used to give you joy

  • You're experiencing restlessness or disruptions to your sleep. 

  • Your performance at work or school is declining.

  • You're struggling to build and maintain relationships.

  • You've had a traumatic experience that‘s affecting your daily life.

  • You're using alcohol or drugs to cope.

Experiencing long-term emotional upset may actually make the problem worse by avoiding professional help, so reach out now if you notice any of the signs above. I can help you build resilience and discover new ways to open up a richer and more fulfilling life.

Contact me for a confidential free chat today.


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